Megan has had the opportunity and privilege to be in social collaborations with wonderful companies, to be featured on blogs and podcasts, as well as be the guest of honor at public speaking engagements. On this page, you’ll see the places Megan has been featured on. If you’d like to discuss future opportunities, please fill out the form on this page and Megan will get back to you as soon as she can.
get in touch
Social Collaborations
public speaking
I am Ms Wheelchair Tn 2020 and 2021 though my main focus has been public speaking at different events or for a wide range of audience. In the past, my current role as MWTN allows me to travel through my state in sharing my platform of educating and encouraging on inclusion, diversity and acceptance.
We are so thrilled for your interest in contacting Megan DeJarnett. Whether it be a fundraiser, business conference or church event, Megan has a passion for sharing her story to inspire others to live life without limits!
Megan DeJarnett is the organizational founder of No Such Thing, a company with a mission to help others redefine purpose by removing defining labels. As an author, she is currently producing a series of children’s books.