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Well a new chapter of our life has begun! We got the keys to our new home yesterday. It’s a pretty surreal feeling. I don’t think I’ve stopped to just soak it in yet because there so much to do, so much change, so much to coordinate with help and handymen and painting but as jake and I and the boys walked into the new house today I’m just in awe of God’s goodness.

Here’s a little bit of back story just to be open and honest with all you who want to follow along our story. Jake and I moved to Nashville 2 years ago. We felt God calling us here and we also were just ready for something new. The first year was crazy hard. Our family has lots of different needs so moving across the country from all our friends and family made it extremely challenging but let me tell ya, God provided everything we ever needed along the way My parents knew they’d be moving to Tennessee eventually but was never set on an exact date. They still felt called to be in Arizona.

Fast forward to March of this year and my amazing brother Austin who lived at home in Phoenix with my parents went to be with Jesus. If you don’t know that story go read my blog The Saturday Shock. A shock for everyone. Something we are all still navigating through. Shortly after his passing my parents felt the release to move to Tennessee. Here’s what I AM saying, God knows everything. More than us. So all we can do is trust him. His timing. His plans.

My parents bought a beautiful house here in Spring Hill Tennessee and we will be living together. They have the cutest loft/living space upstairs in our new house. I’m excited for this new adventure for all of us. For mine and Jakes family, for my parents, and for us as a family as a whole. It’s a new season so pray for us as we navigate how this is all going to work lol

So excited for this new season. I’ve never been in a house we own. One that we can do whatever we want to. So believe me, my creative mind is having a blast with this! I’ll keep you all posted!
